Rabu, 02 Juli 2014

Kontrol sistem ubuntu/Linux Mint kita dengan perintah suara (voice command)

perintah suara memungkinkan kita untuk membuat beberapa tindakan dengan perintah suara. software ini menawarkan fasilitas voice dalam 64 bahasa. dan saat ini sudah mencapai 95 perintah suara yang tersedia.
software ini memungkinkan membuat suara sendiri melalui pengguna, sehingga akan menambah jumlah bahasa pada software ini.
Fungsi dari program ini adalah  mulai menjalankan script play_stop.sh, yang akan mulai merekam suara Anda, dan setelah lima detik, perintah itu jalankan lagi, mulai pengenalan suara, dan mulai memilih satu dari semua perintah yang tersedia.

untuk menginstall voice command (english version) silahkan buka terminal (ctrl+alt+t) dan copy perintah di bawah ke terminal:

jika perintah hilang/missing, gunakan perintah berikut

anda bisa membuka voice command dari dash atu bisa menggunakan terminal untuk memunculkan voice command
>>v-c , command line options
v-c -l -lang To select another, of 67 languages for recognition.
v-c -t -try To try any command, of default lang, or, a [-lang].
v-c -m -mod To modify the commands file, and the README file.
v-c -h Show instructions README file.
v-c --help Show this message

untuk perintah lainya bisa di download di sini

Voice Actions Available:
  1. SELECT_FILE << cited-text >> (select)
  2. MUSIC_START (put music | music play | music player | music | pause)
  3. MUSIC_START_SONG << cited-text >> (put music of | music of | play to | play music of)
  4. MUSIC_PLAY (play music | pause music | start music | stop music | stop music)
  5. MUSIC_NEXT (next song | next track)
  6. MUSIC_PREV (previous song | previous track)
  7. MUSIC_SHUFFLE (random music | mix | do not mix)
  8. MUSIC_REPEAT (repeat | not repeat)
  9. VIDEO_REW (delay | rewind | go back)
  10. VIDEO_FF (forward | go forward)
  11. VOLUME_DOWN (lower the volume | volume down | less volume | volume less)
  12. VOLUME_UP (increase the volume | volume up | more volume | volume more)
  13. VOLUME_MUTE (no audio | no volume | turn off audio | dumb)
  14. SEARCH << cited-text >> (search)
  15. NO_RESALT (remove highlighting | remove highlighted | no highlighting | no highlighted)
  16. TRANSLATE [from] [to] << cited-text >> (translate | translates the | translation | translates of | translate from | translated from | translation from | dictionary of the | translates the | translation of the)
  17. WRITE << cited-text >> (write | type)
  18. WRITE_CAPITAL << cited-text >> (capitalize | type capital)
  19. WRITE_CAPITAL_ALL << cited-text >> (write all uppercase | write everything capitalized)
  20. SAY_THIS << cited-text >> (say this | say)
  21. GOOGLE_SEARCH << cited-text >> (search google | internet search | meaning of | what is | search the dictionary)
  22. YOUTUBE_SEARCH << cited-text >> (search on youtube | what about | search videos | videos )
  23. WIKI_SEARCH << cited-text >> (search wiki | search wikipedia | wikipedia)
  24. WEATHER << cited-text >> (weather | climate)
  25. SEARCH_MAPS << cited-text >> (map | map search | map of | map from | where is)
  26. SAY_HI << cited-text >> (greets to | say hi to)
  27. HELLO (hello machine)
  28. WHOAMI (who i am)
  29. OPEN_FOLDER << cited-text >> (open folder)
  30. OPEN_FOLDER_OF << cited-text >> (open folder of)
  31. SAY_TIME (tell me the hour | what the time is | what time is it)
  32. SAY_DATE (date is | which day is | that date today | which day is today | tell me the date | on what date we are)
  33. DICTATION << cited-text-continuously >> (dictation mode | out dictation mode | end dictation mode)
  34. UNDO (undo)
  35. REDO (redo)
  36. DEL_LINE (delete line)
  37. FAV (add to favorite)
  38. CLOSE_TERM (close the terminal | close terminal)
  39. MAIL (open mail | open email | open mail | mail | email)
  40. COPY (copy)
  41. PASTE (paste)
  42. CUT (cut)
  43. SELECT_ALL (select all)
  44. SAVE (save | save file)
  45. SAVE_AS (save as | save page as)
  46. FOLDER (create folder | new folder)
  47. MINIMISE (minimize)
  48. MAXIMISE (maximize)
  49. FULLSCREEN (full screen | fullscreen)
  50. TAB (key tab | tabulation | tab)
  51. ESC (escape)
  52. MENU (main menu | open main menu)
  53. ACTIONS_MENU (menu | open menu | close menu)
  54. CLOSE (close program | exit)
  55. CLOSE_WIN (close window)
  56. ZOOM_OUT (ward | shrink | decrease | zoom less)
  57. ZOOM_IN (approximate | enlarge | raise | zoom more)
  58. ZOOM_RESET (normal size | zero zoom)
  59. TOUCH_ON_OFF (turn off touchpad | turn on touchpad | touchpad)
  60. BACK (over | back)
  61. ADVANCE (move | forward)
  62. RIGHT (right)
  63. LEFT (left)
  64. DOWN (down)
  65. UP (go up)
  66. PAGE_DOWN (page down)
  67. PAGE_UP (page up)
  68. HOME_PAGE (top of page | go to top of page | go to the top)
  69. END_PAGE (end of page | go to end of page | go to the end)
  70. HOME (top of)
  71. END (the end)
  72. SCROLL_DOWN (run page down | run down)
  73. SCROLL_UP (run page up | run up)
  74. DELETE (delete)
  75. ENTER (open | execute | enter)
  76. NEW_WINDOW (new window)
  77. CHANGE_TAB (window move | go to window | switch to window | window | move tab | go to tab | switch to tab)
  78. CLOSE_TAB (close tab)
  79. BROWSER (browser | open browser | internet)
  80. FILE_MANAGER (nautilus | file explorer | open nautilus | open file explorer)
  81. TERMINAL (open the console | open terminal | terminal opens | open the terminal)
  82. EXECUTE (launch command | run command)
  83. BATTERY (battery | battery status | battery charge)
  84. TEXT_EDITOR (text editor | open text editor | launch text editor | new text)
  85. SCREENSHOT (screenshot | catch)
  86. ALARM << cited-numbers [days] [hours] [minutes] [seconds]>> (alarm | start alarm at)
  87. LOG_OFF (logout | system logout)
  88. BRIGHTNESS_UP (raise the brightness | brighten up | shine up | up brightness | increase brightness)
  89. BRIGHTNESS_DOWN (lower the brightness | decrease brightness | brightness down | shine down | decrease brightness)
  90. POWER_OFF (shut down the system | turn off the machine | turn off the computer | turn off computer | power off)
  91. CALCULATER (calculator)
  92. TAKE_PICTURE (photo | take a picture)
  93. TAKE_VIDEO (record | record video | record a video)
  94. OPEN_FILE (open file | open a new file)
  95. OFFICE << cited-text [ writer, calc, impress, draw, math ] >> (open new document | open new document of | create new document | create new document of | create new | open new) Writer (text) Calc (calc) Impress (presentation | page | web) Draw (drawing | graphic) Math (formula | math)
  96. RETRY (retry command | repeat command | try again the command | retry | try a

oke, semoga bermanfaat.


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